Choose a Location:
Last Name:
First Name:
Middle Name:
Address 2:
Zip/Postal Code:
Telephone Number:
Date of Birth:
Spouse Name:
My Present State of Health is:
Skin Rash/Allergies:
Disabling Headaches:
Uncorrectable Vision:
Eye Trouble (not glasses):
Defective Hearing:
Perforated Eardrum:
Nose Bleed:
Chest Pain:
High Blood Pressure:
Abnormal Heart Rhythm:
Lung Trouble:
Gallbladder Trouble:
Liver Disease:
Kidney Problems:
Heart Murmur:
Rheumatic Fever:
Muscle Weakness:
Shoulder Injury:
Broken Bones:
Swollen Ankles:
Elbow Injury:
Tumor or Cancer:
Blood Disease:
Varicose Veins:
Head Injury:
Nervous Breakdown:
Color Vision Defect:
Eye Surgery:
Ear Trouble:
Hay Fever:
Air Obstruction:
Cardiac Problems:
Heart Attack:
Fainting Spells:
Coughing up Blood:
Shortness of Breath:
Freq Chronic Cough:
Stomach Trouble:
Urological Problems:
Rectal Problems:
Back Strain:
Knee Injury/Trick Knee:
Disc Problems:
Foot Trouble:
Thyroid Disease:
Difficult Menses:
If you have answered yes to any of the above please explain in detail below:
Surgery/Condition (2):
Year (2):
Surgery/Condition (3):
Year (3):
1. Do you have any physical defects or any partial disabilities?:
2. Do you have any conditions that may require special work assignment?:
3. Have you ever been rejected or rated for insurance, employment, or armed forces for health reasons?:
4. Have you had significant exposure to mining dust, asbestos, silica or toxic chemicals?:
5. Do you have work history of dust exposure?:
6. Did you ever have any difficulty when using a respirator?:
7. Have you ever had ill effects from any work that you have done?:
8. Have you ever resigned, terminated or changed jobs for medical reasons?:
9. Have you ever been dismissed from employment because of use of alcohol or drugs?:
10. Do you presently use marijuana, LSD, narcotics, or controlled substances?:
11. Do you have any allergies or reactions to food, chemicals, drugs, insect stings or marine life?:
12. Have you ever suffered from a stroke or TIA?:
13. Do you have emphysema or chronic bronchitis?:
14. Do you have persistent phlegm (most days for 3 or more months/years)?:
15. Have you ever had a collapsed lung?:
16. Have you ever had a reduced lung function on a breathing tests:
17. Have you ever had an abnormal chest x-ray?:
18. Have you ever had an operation or serious injury to your chest?:
19. Do you suffer from dizziness?:
20. Do you excessively use alcohol or have a drug dependence?:
21. Do you suffer from claustrophobia (fear of tight or confined spaces)?:
22. Have you ever suffered from hyperventilation (over breathing)?:
23. Do you ever have the sensation of choking or smothering?:
24. Have you ever suffered from heatstroke or heat exhaustion?:
25. Do you wear glasses or contacts?:
26. Do you use a hearing aid?:
27. Have you ever had a injury, surgery or deformity to your face?:
28. Do you wear dentures?:
29. Have you ever lost fingers or experienced difficulty using hands or fingers?:
30. Do you now or have you ever smoked cigarettes, cigars, or pipes?:
Explanation and comments to questions answered yes:
1. Are you currently under a doctor's care?:
2. Do you take any medication? If so please list below.:
3. How long have you been diving?:
4. Max. depth surface air:
5. Surface Mixed Gases:
6. Longest bottom time air:
7. Have you ever made any saturation dives?:
8. When was your last dive?:
9. What was your deepest dive?:
10. How many dives?:
11. Certified by and when?:
12. Diving Experience (number of years experience):
Mixed Gases:
Have you passed an oxygen tolerance test?:
13. Number of decompression incidents? (If none, list zero (0) for each field.):
Bends: pain only:
Bends: neurological:
Serious Symptoms: chokes:
Serious Symptoms: inner ear:
List any residuals:
14. Have you been involved in a diving accident/incident since your last physical examination?:
15. Date of last physical examination.:
16. For what company or organization were you examined?:
17. Name of address of physician who performed your last examination.:
18. In diving have you had a history of:
Gas Embolism:
Oxygen Toxicity:
CO2 Toxicity:
CO Toxicity:
Ear Squeeze:
Ear Drum Rupture:
Sinus Squeeze:
Lung Squeeze:
Near Drowning:
Vertigo (dizziness):
Nitrogen Narcosis:
Loss of Consciousness:
If you answered yes to any of the above, please provide details and severity of each:
19. Have you ever had any of the following?:
Chest X-Ray:
Long Bone Series:
Back (spine) X-Ray:
Nerve Condition Studies:
Pulomonary Function Studies:
Exercise EKG:
Treadmill EKG:
If you answered yes to any of the above, please list the approximate date of each:
20. Asthma:
Do you currently experience or have you ever experienced asthma?:
Ever been hospitalized as a result of an asthma attack?:
Do you use an inhalers or nebulizer?:
If the information below appears correct, you can save this page as a PDF for your records. Then please click the Complete button to submit your information.