November 8, 2012Back Pain? Join the ClubAbout 80 percent of adults living in the U.S. experience back pain at some time.…
November 8, 2012Pressure Is On!In last month’s “Weird Science” survey, we learned the strange-but-true fact that blood pressure can…
November 8, 2012Headaches: Beyond the HangoverEveryone knows too much alcohol can leave your head throbbing, but other common headache triggers…
October 18, 2012Work Flow for WellnessThe Centers for Disease Control lists the following four components of a successful wellness program:
October 17, 2012Employee Wellness is Your BusinessThe bottom line: Healthy employees are better for business, and more and more companies are…
October 17, 201210 Creative Ways to Stop Sitting on the JobProlonged periods of sitting are wrecking our health. Sedentary jobs and lifestyles are partially responsible…
October 17, 2012An App a Day?Did you ever think your next app download would be at the recommendation of your…