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Healthy tips from CareSpot

Let's learn healthcare truth and share tips to help you and your family live better!

November 15, 2015

An Ounce of Prevention Really Is Worth a Pound of Cure

We get it. Some people dread a visit to a medical professional and often avoid…

October 14, 2015

Medicine or Malarkey: Anti-Aging Remedies at Home?

Every year, we do get wiser, but that also means our bodies begin to age.…

October 13, 2015

Fleeing the Flu: FAQ on Flu Vaccines

Fall has quickly fallen upon us, and while many of us are enjoying the rustling…

September 17, 2015

Medicine or Malarkey: Can Toothpaste Clear Your Skin?

Acne. Ruiner of prom pictures. Self-esteem assailant. A complex complexion problem with no clear answer.…

September 16, 2015

Healthcare 101: Is It a Break or a Sprain?

What goes up must come down. And unfortunately, our joints bear the brunt of our…

August 31, 2015

Can a simpler life make you happier?

It seems a trend has evolved over the last few years: magazines display headlines urging…

August 24, 2015

From CPR to the Heimlich: 5 life-saving skills that everyone should know

Emergencies are called emergencies for a reason, but don’t be caught off guard if a situation…

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