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Healthy tips from CareSpot

Let's learn healthcare truth and share tips to help you and your family live better!

September 12, 2017

Tips for Outdoor Camping and Campfire Safety

Outdoor camping season is quickly approaching (and in some areas, it's already here!). Whether you're…

September 10, 2017

Campfire Safety Basics for Your Camping Trip

A camping trip can make for the perfect vacation as the weather turns mild. You…

September 5, 2017

Can a Home Remedy Help That Sting

As we enjoy time outdoors in the change of seasons, it's important to remember that…

September 4, 2017

Medicine or Malarkey: Can Honey Take the Sting Away?

As fall begins, a profusion of insects come with it. Very active in late summer…

August 17, 2017

Does the moon affect the human mind and body?

Over time there has been a great deal written about the moon's phases and its…

August 17, 2017

Does the moon affect the human mind and body?

Many theories about the moon affecting the human body have developed over time. Can a…

August 14, 2017

Exercising in the Heat? Stay Healthy with These Tips

Summertime is a popular time to take your exercise routine outside. With pleasant weather and…

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