3 Reasons Millennials Avoid Going to the Doctor

Millennials are an obsession for market researchers. They spend a lot of time trying to discover what makes this generation tick.
Millennials grew up with computers and the Internet, transforming the way they think about getting expert information. These habits extend to healthcare decision making, where Millennials display some unique characteristics compared to Generation X or Boomer parents.
1. Millennials look for fast, convenient healthcare options.
Most Millennials can barely remember a time that shoes were ordered from a catalog — they’re used to websites with free shipping and free returns. This expectation for fast, convenient solutions extends to Millennial health decisions. For example, 34 percent of Millennials prefer to receive healthcare services at pharmacy clinics, compared to just 17 percent of Baby Boomers. Millennials are also high users of urgent care centers, with 25 percent stating that they prefer urgent care for healthcare services.
This makes the role of providers like CareSpot a critical part of the healthcare solution. Young people appreciate the convenience of being able to visit a health professional who can answer their questions without having to schedule an appointment with a primary care physician every time they have a problem. In fact, they might not even have a PCP. Shorter wait times and convenience are priorities for many people in this age group.
2. Millennials are accustomed to getting online solutions to their problems.
Internet-savvy Millennials are used to searching online for solutions to everyday problems. When they have a sore throat, they are likely to Google their symptoms to find a possible diagnosis. Furthermore, after visiting a healthcare provider, Millennials may check online to see if the information they received at their visit corresponds to the collective wisdom of the Internet.
This comfort level with the Internet makes Millennials much more likely to use telehealth services, with 74 percent stating that they are interested in electronically delivered healthcare services. Millennial health decision-makers also look for care providers with a strong online presence. For instance, 71 percent say that it is important to them that healthcare providers have a mobile app for booking appointments or managing health information.
3. Millennials look for a personalized and affordable approach to healthcare.
Members of the Millennial generation have been taught to question everything. Many people in this generation are looking for a personalized experience, rather than a “big box” approach to healthcare. This means they want to receive services from a provider who takes time to listen to their questions and will explain any test result or diagnosis.
Additionally, research suggests that Millennials are cautious when it comes to healthcare costs. They seem to dislike high deductible health insurance plans that could result in huge bills in the case of a serious health event. Instead, they would prefer higher monthly premiums in exchange for the peace of mind that comes with a lower deductible. As a result of their cost savviness, Millennials are willing to shop around for the most affordable health care provider. They appreciate transparency in pricing and up-front conversations about healthcare costs.
CareSpot strives to be a healthcare provider that is conscious of patients’ time and overall experience. We offer online scheduling tools so patients can wait at home, not in the waiting room. If you’re feeling ill, don’t wait until it’s urgent — book an appointment online and see a medical professional that day.