10 Creative Ways to Stop Sitting on the Job

Prolonged periods of sitting are wrecking our health. Sedentary jobs and lifestyles are partially responsible for obesity spikes and other serious health conditions like heart disease and diabetes – and their costs!
Getting a half-hour of exercise daily isn’t enough to counteract the negative effects of sitting all day at work and on the commute. The American College of Sports Medicine stresses we need to pay attention to the amount of time we’re sitting down in order to maintain better health.
Here are some creative ways to get the work force moving:
1) Power hour – Advise employees to get up, stretch and move around every hour.
2) Mobile meetings – Schedule a walk to hash out project details.
3) Workout lunches – Offer extra time so employees can fit in a workout.
4) Exercise room – Set up a few pieces of exercise equipment for fitness breaks.
5) Walk stations – Encourage employees to ditch desk chairs for standing desks.
6) Pedometers – Hand out pedometers to get everyone focused on moving.
7) Be supportive – Allow time and space for quick wellness activities and support group meetings.
8) Grab an app – Search the app store for fresh ideas on office fitness.
9) Bring Fido to work – Boost office energy with well-behaved pets and a quick game of fetch.
10) Recess! – Boost productivity with play, shown to improve physical and mental health in adults.